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  • Writer's pictureBrittany

My Birthday Wishlist

Two blog posts in two days. You might be wondering what the special occasion is. Answer: it's my birthday in 4 days. FOUR DAYS. I'm pretty excited so I thought I'd share my bookish wish list – books I've asked for or books I've decided I'll buy if I get any vouchers / money.

1. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

First, I have been wanting the Throne of Glass series for a while now. I read them two years go (I think up until book 4) but really want to re-read them before I start any of the new additions to the series. She's one of my favourite authors so I actually wanted copies of this series (to add to my ACOTAR collection), instead of just finding them in the library.

2. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

I have seen this book crop up so many times on my twitter and that cover is just amazing! I recently tried the first chapter of The Bone Season and am excited to get into some books written by Samantha Shannon. I've been tempted to buy it a few times in Waterstones but my massive pile of existing tbr books have been screaming at me to not buy such a big book that will inevitably distract me from them. I think birthdays are the perfect time to buy any book you want though.

3. Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

I am all for a Mulan retelling. I think that's all I really need to say about wanting this book. It pretty much sums it up. Amid the hype of a Disney retelling and the changes they are making, I think Spin the Dawn has definitely caught my eye.

4. Girls of Paper and Fire

This is a book I've only recently added to the list. I've seen a lot of reviews flying around twitter and finally got intrigued. The cover and synopsis sound amazing - just my kind of book!

5. Harry Potter y La Piedra Filosofal by J.K Rowling

I've been saying for a while now that I want to try and read a book in Spanish. I took a course in Spanish this year at University, and while I struggled with the tests (and got a lower grade than I would have wanted), I did enjoy learning a new language, excelling more at the reading aspects. I decided not to continue with Spanish next year but I definitely wanted to try and continue it a bit on my own. I decided on Harry Potter because it's a book I know well - I've even just finished the audiobook so I reckon I'll be able to keep up with the plot even if I struggle in certain areas with new words.

6. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

I've seen this book all over twitter and both the cover and the fantasy-filled description have drawn me in.

7. A Curse so Dark and Lonely

I've been getting really into fairy-tale re-tellings and this one sounds so good. And the cover looks gorgeous! It has definitely made my list.

8. Harry Potter Series

This one may seem straight forward but it has a twist - I don't want every copy to be of the same edition. I know it sounds weird but there are so many different great editions out there. It all started when my partner bought me the 20th anniversary Gryffingor edition (black with the red sprayed edges) of Chamber of Secrets for my birthday last year. I then got the completely yellow edition of Prisoner of Azkaban. I've been looking at all the different covers and styles (in paperback) and there are a few I like in each edition series. I've not decided exactly which covers I want but here are my ideas:

I think that about concludes my list (so far). I'll probably keep adding to it even on my birthday. Keep an eye on my twitter @Book_Ramblings on Friday for updates on which of these books I received and bought.

Happy Reading :)

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